I have been a member of four radio clubs.
The Clifton ARS were instrumental in getting me back into amateur radio when I moved to London following University. Now I live a little further away, I no longer attend club meetings, but often contest with club members, Sadly, the club has a dwindling membership and the last club meeting was held in December 2008, although the group does meet every Christmas for dinner.
I was also a member of the Hadley wood contest group which meets monthly in a local pub for a drink and a chat. We mainly took part in RSGB HF contests, such as the RSGB club champ series, but my commitment to the Clifton means I have not done FD with the HWCG. The HWCG folded in 2013.
I was also am member of the Open University Radio club, G0OUR, where I was a visiting researcher.
I was also a member of the Imperial College Radio Society (HAMSOC). This folded due to a lack of student interest and I now hold the call G5YC.