New year, same old promises – better diet more exercise, finish some of those projects that have been sat on the bench for ages. So, I have decided to do something about the radio ones. I have stacks to do:
1) Remote rig ( ) the shack in the loft: interface cables need building then full installation and configuration made.
2) Finish ,well start, the W3NQN filter project that I bought the bits for 18 months ago (
3) Install new rotator and antenna stack on the house. I’ll wait for spring for that one.
4) Reinstall an HF antenna that works – the extended inverted L stinks on the higher bands
5) Build a PA for 4m so that I have legal limit on that band.
That’s the most pressing stuff. I also have some un built preamps, 6m PA project and APRS jobs to do. But let’s start here and see how I get on. I doubt anyone is reading this, but in any case I am making a public declaration so that I can be hung by my own petard!
1) Remote rig ( ) the shack in the loft: interface cables need building then full installation and configuration made.
2) Finish ,well start, the W3NQN filter project that I bought the bits for 18 months ago (
3) Install new rotator and antenna stack on the house. I’ll wait for spring for that one.
4) Reinstall an HF antenna that works – the extended inverted L stinks on the higher bands
5) Build a PA for 4m so that I have legal limit on that band.
That’s the most pressing stuff. I also have some un built preamps, 6m PA project and APRS jobs to do. But let’s start here and see how I get on. I doubt anyone is reading this, but in any case I am making a public declaration so that I can be hung by my own petard!