I have been buiding some wimo yagis to use for JOTA,but have hit some problems with one antenna. Here are the parts laid out for the two new yagis that I bought. All looks well!
But looking a bit more closely there is a problem with the boom sections. The top pair are OK, with the rear boom section at the very top of the picture and the front boom being the next one down. However the two sections supplied for the next antenna are identical. This photo was taken at the point where the DE attaches. Apologies for the quality of the photos!
So, have I been sent 2 x rear booms? I think not. If you compare the top boom section and the bottom two then holes do not line up. This is at the D1 hole.
I could have flipped the booms through 90 degree and redrilled, but as the picture below shows, the boom sections supplied are too short.
So - I now have three antennas complete, and have written to wimo to solve the boom problem with the third. Let's hope the customer service is good...